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Web Development for

Web Development for

Mr. Nikos Ioannou, Marketing Manager of EKKA - Mercedes S.A.,  has chosen  to develop Ekkaʼs web presence on the auto section at first (starting with before expanding onto the rest of the sections. Originally setup under Joomla 1.5 migrated all data, upgraded to Joomla 3.0 and added K2 component for optimization. Following Mercedesʼ design language we created several bespoke forms that target different recipient groups. completed the redesign and redevelopment of EKKAʼs corporate Mercedes siteʼs auto section. We performed data migration from Joomla 1.5 article manager to K2 component and upgraded it to latest version of Joomla (3.0).

Three basic targets were:

  • Upgrading to latest Joomla version
  • ease of administering articles inside CMS
  • SEO through using the K2 component.

Design based upon Mercedes worldwide design language.

In, we believe that a well designed and developed website, can help you find new business opportunities in the web. Do not hesitate to request a quote for the design or re-design and development of your website.